Make playing experience more educational, and educational experience more playful.
onPAPER is a bilingual possibility kit aimed for children ages nine through twelve that attempts to blur the boundaries between playing and learning. This includes basic materials for making paper-circuit pop-up books. The book takes readers through the evolution of electricity, while demonstrating its functioning by allowing users to use the kits fabrication tools to create art with circuits. The simple-to-use materials afford possibilities for paper and light engineering.
Chinese education systems focus on academic subjects, disregarding any engagement with creativity. All effort is directed toward high stakes tests to determine secondary school and college placement. onPAPER proposes a way to transform STEM (science, technology, engineering & math) into STEAM (adding art & design) through creative play with paper circuits. Children will seamlessly acquire STEM knowledge as they express themselves with arts, crafts and circuits. OnPAPER aims to make children’s playing experiences more educational, and their educational experience more playful.
I believe that children learn best when playing - both absorbing the material, as well as retaining the information. Additionally, onPAPER allows children to think about the STEM subjects creatively, the best way to cultivate one’s creativity is through the tangible interaction with different materials while playing. To engage with a whole generation of people who are not only well-versed in technological media, but have an extensive knowledge of how to navigate between technology and the material world, onPAPER was designed to integrate all of these aspects.