Parsons MFA Design&Tech

Shannon Angdrea

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Objects from the Future

  • product-design
  • speculative-critical
    Thesis Studio

    Scott G Pobiner

    Sven Travis

    Writing and Research

    Louisa Campbell

    Loretta Joelle Wolozin

    Imbue is an exploration of four objects – a Weather Cup, Drawing Table, Guide Shoes and Dream Lamp – that are reincarnations of everyday objects with new superpowers harnessed from enabling technologies. Utilizing diegetic prototypes to inject life and personality into these objects, short videos convey these conceptual gadgets with a twist of functionality in the context of a typical daily routine. The audience can experience the full breadth of these narratives on a website that showcases the story, background, inspiration and technicalities of these objects.

  • Project website

  • As we move towards an idealistic future, computing power will become increasingly affordable and compact, paving way for technology to be embedded seamlessly into the backdrop of society. A speculation into the intelligent objects of a not-so-distant tomorrow,  Imbue is a design critique on the social, cultural and ethnical impact that emerging technologies have in our everyday lives. With the permanent prevalence of technology, it is imperative that people are aware of its implications and do not remain passive about being directed by machines and their makers. In an attempt to encourage an open outlook to embracing alternative perspectives, this project poses a pertinent question in today’s digital landscape: how will we capitalize on the augmentative capabilities of technology to challenge our preconceptions of the tools we create? By taking the initiative to acquire preemptive knowledge about emerging technologies, we are ensuring control in the shaping of our own future.

    Shannon Angdrea

    Shannon is a UX/UI designer focused on inventing new varied forms of pragmatic and playful interactions. Growing up internationally, she cultivated a need to understand others – a commitment that has translated to her work in creating experiences to connect people.

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