Kamilla Kielbowska

Born in Paris, raised in Warsaw, left my heart in Tokyo. I like aesthetics, typography, dogs, mint tea and thai food. Oh yeah, and I'm allergic to apples.

Sat. May 17, 4:15pm

Information Instruments

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How 'Bout Dem Apples

App(les) is a mobile application that provides various types of information about apples. It is designed to give users quick and easy access to the basic knowledge everyone should have about products they are buying and consuming. It is supposed to improve the grocery shopping experience, as well as raise awareness of what are we consuming.
This project poses and answers the following question: would a well-designed interface for a food database help people to better understand what they are consuming?

Thesis Faculty

Fall: John Sharp

Spring: Colleen Macklin

Writing & Research Faculty

Barbara Morris