Ye Han

Ye Han studied Fine Art with a concentration in oil painting at the University of Guelph in Canada. She moved to New York City to pursue a MFA in Design and Technology at Parsons the New School for Design. Her focus during this time has been motion graphics and interactive installations. She has been interested in the idea of bringing the aesthetic background of oil painting into the field of design and technology.

Sat. May 17, 3:05pm

Experiential (Group 2)

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A digital portraiture/ interactive art installation focusing on people's constantly changing self-image.

Reflection originated as an exploration of our self-image and the behaviour we often display of constantly checking mirrors to reassure ourselves that we are the same as we fantasize ourselves to be. Reflection uses digital technology as a method to demonstrate how our understanding of ourselves contrasts with reality.

Reflection is an interactive installation that engages people with an effect-based mirror projection. This brings the audience into the installation as the subject matter, and the interactive experience allows people to examine the way they tend to look at themselves.

Thesis Faculty

Fall: Sven Travis

Spring: Katherine Moriwaki

Writing & Research Faculty

Louisa Campbell