Patricio González Vivo

Patricio Gonzalez Vivo is an artist and developer who creates interactive installations and visual applications. He is also a Psychologist specializing in Expressive Art Therapy; he uses code as an expressive language to develop a better together. His work explores interstitial spaces between organic and synthetic, analog and digital, and individual and collective.

Sat. May 17, 4:45pm

Information Instruments

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Skylines, a series of works, allows us to look into the horizon beyond our perception in different qualities of time and space.

By looking at the horizon we found a skyline. A place where the earth and the sky touch and differentiate from each other. This contour is the confluence of time and space. The landscape, shaped over time by forces like erosion and the human hand, is in constant change and fluctuation. Also, the skyline is defined by the particular position of the observer. Skylines, a series of works, allows us to look into the horizon beyond our perception in different qualities of time and space.

Thesis Faculty

Fall: Sven Travis

Spring: Anthony Deen

Writing & Research Faculty

Fall: Louisa Campbell

Spring: Andrew Zornoza