Anantapa Thongtawach

Anantapa Thongtawach received my Bachelor of Architecture in Interior Architecture from Chulalongkorn University in Bangkok, Thailand. Her research as a designer revolves around making interactive architectural element and installation (both hardware and software) that promote the enhancement of design value and human experience.

Fri. May 16, 2:45pm

Experiential (Group 1)

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Based of notions of spirituality found in Buddhism, the goal of this immersive projection mapped, interactive installation is to use gestural interactions through spatial transformation in order explore the relationship between technology and the self.

Transcendence is built to explore the parallels between modern physics and Eastern mysticism such as Buddhism. It helps people reach the understanding of what is believed to be true happiness, real purpose of life, the enlightenment. Transcendence ties together notions of spatial controls and body gesture. It is naturally at the intersection of art and technology. Projection of real 3 dimensional spaces where a user can interact directly with the space without timing or instruction will be set and allows user to create their personal experiences.

Thesis Faculty

John Sharp

Writing & Research Faculty

Fall: Barbara Morris

Spring: Ethan Silverman