drawn to nature

Colleen K. Macklin
Nicholas J. Fortugno
Writing and ResearchBarbara B Morris
Christine L Prentice-Popken
Totem is a first person expressive survival game, an FPS without the S. Instead, players express themselves through drawing symbols with alchemic effects that manipulate nature. By solving competitive puzzles and interacting with each other, players will piece together a multiform narrative about the fragile line between human’s and animals.
Totem is an expressive FPS, A first person shooter without the shooting where you interact with nature by drawing symbols. Using gesture-drawing interfaces, players cast alchemic reactions that manipulate the environment and affect other characters. Whenever players begin drawing, they receive constant feedback on what gesture will be recognized. Likewise the effects of their alchemy will vary depending on the speed and accuracy of their drawing.
The alchemy system’s symbols are designed so that the component strokes have related effects. Logical symbol structure trees give users control over the strength of their alchemic reactions. Through objectives that confront player’s humanity and relationship to nature, Totem’s game mechanics teach players to control the complexity of an untamed power.
Step into the wilderness in search of a runaway friend. Uncover why animal spirits are possessing human children. Choose your goals to find out where your powers come from and who the real monsters are. What will you have to sacrifice to help your friend escape?
Games create non-player characters that are the objects of our interactions. They are the tools that the system uses to push back on the player. But are human players really so different. These woods are filled with bandits, other runaways looking for their friends and family. Your alchemy will have different effects on bandits with free will and those who are bound by fate. Use your power wisely.

Pierce Wolcott
I’m a hardworking interactive designer, with a background in new media design and imaging and a deep love for storytelling through games. My drive is to have a hand in shaping our future relationship to media, through art, design and technology. The untapped potential of new media to craft creative experiences in interactive storytelling inspires me to never stop experimenting.