turn off
An experimental 3D animation explores the concept of the digital self.

Anezka Cecile Sebek
Kan Yang Li
Writing and ResearchBarbara B. Morris
Louisa Campbell
How do our digital lives relate to our physical, mortal identities?
When our bodies and minds are dead, might we preserve a part of ourselves purely as 1s and 0s?
My film is named after the fictional project, “turn off” which aims to create a toy version of a living person. The toy works as a memory container and the memory of the candidate is coded into it. When a super computer scans a toy, it will read all the memories of the candidate and display them in a sequence of videos. When people access those memories, they can choose to view a specific piece of memory or travel through the candidate’s memory of his lives.
The project “turn off” creates a human figure in a toy scale and presents a human’s life digitally. It is able to partially present a humans’ self after their physical body dies. If one day, we can walk through a person’s memories, watch the precious moments time and time again like movies, and hold a toy version of our loved ones in our hands. How will it feel?

Yu Wen Lee
Vivi Yu Wen Lee is a motion designer and illustrator born in Taiwan, currently based in NYC. She enjoys crafting visual ideas across different mediums and exploring the experimental creative process through multimedia. With a passion for art and design, she is always looking for an innovative way to create a compelling visual experience.