Ting Zhao

Ting Zhao is a designer and front-end developer who is focusing on web, application and game development. She used game technology to expand the relation of light and shadow (black and white) in a visual form. Ting is fascinated in Maurits Cornelis Escher's works and regular Division of the Plane, which Escher used to create his art pieces.



Using black and white as a core mechanic I created a replayable, branching narrative platform-puzzle game for casual, mobile gamers who are interested in puzzles and problem solving.

“Light is meaningful only in relation to darkness, and truth presupposes error. It is these mingled opposites, which people our life, which make it pungent, intoxicat- ing. We only exist in terms of this conflict, in the zone where black and white clash.” – Louis Aragon

“inBetWeen”is a replayable, narrative platform-puzzle game for casual, web and mobile gamers.The game mechanics allow players to get into both black and white worlds by using the “shift” function. In the game, the whole world is like limbo and the boy is trapped in-between this black and white world.The chracter, a little boy is an avatar of the player.The story is begin with a dark and peaceful world, which is the boy’s inner world. The player will reinforce and explore their logical thinking and spatial imagination of positive and nega- tive forms to solve the puzzle by travelling between black and white worlds.