Gi Sung Lee
Hi, I'm a graphic designer, developer, and UI/UX designer. I'm from Korea, I like playing games, and I'm interested in making games as well. One day, I hope I can make a game that hits the top charts in the app store! my website is gisunglee.com, please feel free to take a look at. Thank you!
The agent 43
Agent 43 is a mobile game app that uses a player’s body motions to play the game in order to incorporate motion controlled interaction. The game lets you become an agent and fight against terrorists.
Agent 43 is a mobile game app that uses a player’s body motions to play the game in order to incorporate motion controlled interaction. The game lets you become an agent and fight against terrorists to save the world.
The story begins with an operator telling the player to get out of the place where the player is, and directs the player to go to another place to begin a mission. Later on, the player has to rescue an asset who has been captured by the terrorists. While rescuing the agent, the player has to do a punch motion and walk motion in order to complete the game. After rescuing the agent, the mission is over.
The reason why I got interested in making my game is that a lot of traditional game experiences are limited to flicking fingers and looking at a digital screen, which makes it harder to feel the game experience. Imagine that you are fighting with a monster but you are sitting down at home, controlling your character, which does not have any impact to the player’s physical body when the character dies. I believe in order to have a more complete gaming experience, the players need a physical experience in the real world.