The Passage of Peking Opera
An interactive and solo experience that makes you walk through the musical and visual layers of a famous Peking Opera piece – “Farewell to My Concubine".
“The Passage of Peking Opera” is an interactive installation that attempts to showcase the structure and layers in Peking Opera. It focuses on the metaphorical design of Peking Opera, which is considered as one of the most recognizable and traditional art forms in China. This installation uses “Farewell to My Concubine”, one of the most famous Peking Opera piece, as a representation of Peking Opera in general. Through deconstructing layers of “Farewell to My Concubine” visually and audibly, this project hopes to introduce the musical composition, and the visual design of story that is embedded in this piece, to audiences who are interested in understanding more about the art form. Moreover, through a physical interactive environment, this installation promotes a solo walking experience that aims to engage the audiences dynamically, and lead them to explore the world of Peking Opera afterwards.