Tír is an animated graphic novel following the lives of five women as they struggle to survive on an inhospitable planet.
Tír is an animated graphic novel following the lives of five women as they struggle to survive on an inhospitable planet. It explores multiple perspectives within a speculative post-Earth future that is once again facing the issues and oppressions of our present society. In this near future, women’s bodies and human rights are unexpectedly once again up for debate; as resources dwindle and fear spreads from a mysterious alien outbreak on the remote and inhospitable planet of Tír, oppressive patriarchal controls implemented in the name of safety and survival gradually begin to erode hard-won equality.
Tír is produced serially, but once all the pieces are collected individual chapters are told from each of five protagonists’ points of view. By viewing the narrative through differing perspectives — and therefore being able to see the motivations of each character independently — readers will get a fuller sense of the speculative world and the women’s diversity in their responses to it. Audio voiceovers of the characters’ inner thoughts supplement the action of the story as told through still and animated frames.