Wesley Henrie
Wes Henrie is a creative coder that focuses on making the natural sciences accessible for people through visualization and engagement. Wes has an undergraduate degree in mathematics with a minor in physics. He grew up in Northern California and now lives in Greenpoint Brooklyn with his fiancé.
Star Being
Star Being is a visual art piece that aims to convey the beauty of the stars. Real world stars are rendered and animated through their life cycles over three hours
Star Being is an astronomy based art project that aims to inspire interest and enthusiasm for astronomy. In the last five years, there has been a declining interest in NASA’s mission since the shuttle program was shut down, and younger generations believe that NASA no longer accomplishes important breakthroughs. Like Stephen Hawking, I believe that humanity is doomed if it does not take it’s place among the stars. Star Being begins to solve this problem is by showcasing the utter beauty that can be found out in the cosmos. The piece visualizes real world stars by projecting and animating their life cycle over three hours. A more in-depth look at each star can be found on the mobile site where additional information is listed.