Innovation of Street art
Emancipation of the street

Anthony J. Deen
Sabine Seymour
Writing and ResearchAndrew Zornoza
Edward C. Jefferson
“Emancipation of street art” it’s an experience projection mapping art projecting using 4D motion of Graffiti tag on 3D physical form.
To better understand street art in NYC, I went to lots of graffiti spots in New York City to research the location and the environment around street art work places. Interview the local working artist about their life and working situation by myself. Furthermore, this paper will also explore the redeeming and positive qualities of graffiti and other forms of street art, arguing that street artists can offer a glimpse into potential directions for art education. Deeply thinking what we can learn from street art. Through my own perspective to explore how street art can be developing to a new field in both visual part and technology part. What’s the future direction of street art and interactive space intervention? The importance of future influences of street art to the society and the unique art form.
I choose the word “Manhattan” means my thesis project conceptually drives us to think it’s an evolution of Manhattan and also an development of graffiti art in Manhattan.
The motion was separating in two parts, which is break down and build up.
The first part, each 5 seconds the word Manhattan is breaking down into pieces in a loop means to break people’s stereotype of traditional Graffiti in their mind.
The second part, all of the fragments which were broken begin to get together and combine together into an integral Manhattan word. It means after the evolution and development from illegal and scrabble letters of Graffiti in New york. The Graffiti developing a new art system in New York. It’s rebuilding a feeling of new creative graffiti experience become standing up in people’s mind. It’s rebuilding an imagine of Graffiti .
The motion dynamic Graffiti form seems like a permanent existing for Graffiti system. In contemporary society, Graffiti is temporary existing around us. After painting for a few days, it will be removed or repainted. When Graffiti transfer to media form, it can be kept for a long time.The artist can restore it in anytime. That’s also the reason why I choose the media form.That’s how this thesis project connected to the real Graffiti existing problems in society.