The Word
An interactive installation embodying a ritual gesture and a poetical experience

David R. Carroll
John Sharp
Writing and ResearchAndrew Zornoza
Barbara B. Morris
The Word is an interactive installation, a ritual performance and also a poetical experience. It is a representation of how a couple enhances and symbolizes their emotions through a ritual gesture based on language. It is also an approach to display the text of a ritual gesture without any tangible carriers. By presenting with the ritual moment involved in producing an emotional text message, and transforming this message into a permanent hologram image, the message becomes a special symbol, which stands for a period of emotion.
The Word is an interactive experimental installation where the core experience is the simulation of a ritual gesture based on written language. This ritual gesture is generally a representation of how couples symbolize their love emotion and romantic relationship by writing down their names on a physical object.
The project is comprised of three parts: a web application, a database and a holographic projection. The web application is the first section in user experience. It provides a website where audiences could enter their names, their lover’s names or a very short brief sentence which could stand for their emotion status. This section tries to mimic how the lovers write down their name on a physical thing. Instead of a tree, a wall, a stone or a lockpad, audiences leave those emotional words on Internet.
And then, all the messages that people enter will be sent into the database. This step copies the process how people leave their romantic words in our physical real world and complete in the virtual world. Their texts would be saved in the digital world forever. The function of database is not just keeping the data. It also sends all the information to another terminal, which is my holographic projection.
In the third section, the holographic projection part, all the text data could be transformed into 3D geometry. And after reflecting and projecting those 3D texts according to the optics laws, the holographic projection will create 3D illusions of the text data in the real world. In this final step, the text shows up in front of the audience’s face without any tangible carriers and completes the ritual gesture, which is embodied with it.

Feng Yuan
Feng Yuan is a dreamer, creator and visual designer based on New York City. Currently she is an interactive student designer enrolled in MFA Design and Technology program in Parsons The New School for Design. She graduated from Jiangnan University in 2012 with a Bachelor of Arts in Advertising. She was enrolled in MFA Graphic Design program in Savannah College of Art and Design in 2012. Her works include different forms and media, mostly focusing on graphic design, UI design and UX design. She would like to devote her passion and energy on the combination of new technology and visual arts.