Vicky Yadid

Vicky Yadid is a designer/technologist currently based in New York. She has strong interest in web, app, animation, graphic and interactive design. Her undergraduate was in Graphic Design at Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro (PUC) and she is currently learning to overlap between code and design at Parsons The New School for Design.


Growing Indoors

Growing Indoors is a long-term virtual garden interaction displayed on a holographic object for children undergoing painful procedures inside hospital.

Project Dedication

For all of those who had their childhood interrupted by diseases and had to be submitted for treatment in hospitals. May this project bring life, love and hope to those who undergo pain.


Growing Indoors is a long-term virtual garden interaction displayed on a holographic object for children undergoing painful procedures inside hospital.

This project’s intention is to create a positive distraction for children in hospitals who been submitted to (are preparing or recovering from a) bone marrow transplant. Since this requires a long stay inside a hospital room, this project will be a long-term interaction experience, where these children will be able to nurture their own garden while they recover. Through a controller, children from their beds will be able to interact with virtual plants by planting seeds, watering and watching seasons change. It will give them a sensation of being in the outside world and having constant contact with nature that every child growing up needs. This interactive object will eventually reduce negative emotions, block stressful thoughts and make children patient while they heal.

Growing indoors = growing plants + children growing inside the hospital

Keywords: product design, interactive experience, hologram, virtual plant, nurturing, hospital, children


Pictures subtitles:

Image 1) Screenshots of trees and flowers made with openFrameworks. User can interact with the virtual plant through a physical controller.

Image 2) Holographic object display with an ipad installed inside, the prism and the virtual plants.