Nithya Asokan
My interests include exploring the intersection of the physical and digital, transforming experiences through technology and introducing play into interaction, both online and offline. I am passionate about exploring art, history, typography and language to create critical and meaningful experiences through technology.
Unnamed Monument
Unnamed Monument is a series of immersive built environments showcasing historical monuments around the world destroyed in conflict.
The Unnamed Monument revisits a series of historical monuments/sites in their splendor contrasted with their current state of destruction.It urges the viewer to reflect on the significance of the heritage, magnitude of loss, and begin to formulate what can be done to preserve ourĀ collective history in such scenarios. The experience is observatory in nature, allowing the viewer to glimpse into a historical time and reflect on the factors that have led to the loss of the site in question. The installation is a time based, cycled presentation of a series of cultural sites.
The impetus for this work arose from thoughts on the significance and role of shared history in the modern century. Today, many parts of the middle east are embroiled in civil war. Nations like Syria and Afghanistan are grappling with debilitating military conflicts. As sites of thousands of years of human civilization, these nations are home to many critically important world heritage monuments.
Unfortunately, the intense hostilities in the region has led to the destruction of many such sites. In the face of such destruction, how can we preserve our collective history? How can tangible pieces of our evolution be carried through their demise? My thesis seeks to answer thisĀ question through an immersive experience surrounding some of this lost heritage.