Let the war against disposables begin.
New York City generates about 40 million pounds of garbage every day. Of these 40 million pounds, 35% are recycled, 12% are incinerated, and 53% are buried in a landfill.
A landfill is a deep hole in the ground where garbage is stored until it decomposes into organic matter. Decomposition times vary from a few years, to millions of years, depending on the material in question. Most plastics, for example, take about 400 years to decompose.
Elixir is designed to eradicate the use of disposables in New York City’s everyday consumption of beverages. Two reusable drinking vessels, one for hot and one for cold, sit side by side in a sleek and portable shell. Elixir’s mobile app rewards users with free beverages at nearby establishments.
Elixir provides New Yorkers with tangible, quantifiable, and perceivable benefits for taking part in a system that results in ecological conservation.