For My Future Biographer

Cem Kocyildirim and "Kristian Melow"

The book about the famous artist Cem’s early struggles in the art world is on shelves now. The name of the book is For My Future Biographer as he twitted exactly 20 years ago, in 2012. It’s based on the notes Cem took with the hashtag #ForMyFutureBiographer. First publication of the book coincides with his […]

The book about the famous artist Cem’s early struggles in the art world is on shelves now. The name of the book is For My Future Biographer as he twitted exactly 20 years ago, in 2012. It’s based on the notes Cem took with the hashtag #ForMyFutureBiographer.

First publication of the book coincides with his first retrospect. Therefore, some critics see it as a biography where others see it as a catalogue of his work. Either way, if you are interested in his life and works, this is a must-read book.
In his book “Metaphors of Self: The Meaning of Autobiography” James
Olney explains Cem’s case as “And there lies the Joker: Cem and his future biographer were identical. The future biographer could become an I, an audience, a healer, a sufferer, an artist, a gallerist, a documentarian, a fact- checker and someone to blame if needed: everything Cem needed to get out of his struggle as a young artist.”



Cem Kocyildirim



Thesis Studio

  • Anthony Deen

Writing and Research

  • Andrew Zornoza


"Kristian Melow"


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