Category: Poetic Objects

Hsin Peng
Before the Eternal Silence

Douglas Tran

Jane McDonough
BP Lab

Xueer Zhang
Situation, Adventure!

Saman Tehrani
This is Not My Leg

Kassahun Villa
FE18RUARY – The brightness of darkness.

Mala Kumar
Unstable Databases & Volatile Taxonomies

Christina Lafontaine
Ethereal Ecologies

Alaere Jituboh
Visions of Sound

Heloise Sampaio
Leave Her Solo

Luobin Wang
Irregular Regularities

Tevin Byrd
The Liberation Project

Nitcha (Fame) Tothong
Atta-matic: mind the body

Camila Nakamura

Kehui Liu
Wild They Belong

Wynn Mustin

Nima Behravan